Orders for standard parts are processed promptly and leave the factory in a short time. Spare parts availability for standard products is over 95%. No matter if you only have a simple request for the TREPEL customer service department, or if you want to overhaul your entire TREPEL fleet, the competent TREPEL customer service team is happy to help. Highly trained service personnel located in almost all countries around the world offer qualified help on site. TREPEL service technicians are available at short notice to provide worldwide support.
Thank you for your interest in our trailers. Please complete the questionnaire below. We will contact you shortly and send you the requested offer.
Hagenauer Str. 42
65203 Wiesbaden
Hochhäuser Straße 18
97941 Tauberbischofsheim
We have a network of more than 60 partners worldwide to support you in your procurement, service and maintenance tasks. Please take a look here to find one close to your location.